An Initial Public Offer (IPO) is a means of raising money from the public by a company
for the first time in the market to fund its projects. In return, the company offers
the shares to the investors in the company. IPO is also known as public offering
or flotation. These offers are often issued by smaller, medium size, startup and
large-scale companies seeking the investment capital to expand and publicly trade.
In the IPO, Lead managers generally decide the price of the issue. In a financial
book building process, the syndicate members decide the indicative price range and
the investors decide the price of the issue through a tender method.
In such public offers, an exclusive draft prospectus including information on finances
of the company, promoters, background, tentative issue price etc, to be filed by
the Lead Managers with the Securities & Exchange Board of India (SEBI) provide issue
details. The final draft of an IPO prospectus has to be printed only after obtaining
the clearance from SEBI and the Registrar of Companies (ROC).
Our IPO services team comprises of experts and domain specialists with proven knowledge
in industry with comprehensive IPO support solutions:
Detailed market analysis
We provide financial and stock market diagnostics that includes a detailed assessment
of the vital operations of the clients such as:
Group operational structure
Financial reporting hierarchy
Financial forecasting methodology
Financial budgeting control structures
Tax compliance system
Key risk assessment related to tax
Internal financial control system
Corporate governance structure
Financial benchmarking
We offer advisory and process transaction structuring and reorganization services
in the broader areas such as:
Pre-IPO transactions
Business valuation structure
Business delivery plans
Financial service modeling
Sale of non-core assets
Tax issues related consultations
Management related compensation programs
Holding the IPO
We fecilitate the clients to get maximum efficiency of the IPO transactions by providing
the following:
Complete auditing of all the financial statements
Review and assessment of the interim financial statements
Comfort and authorization letters
Pro-forma financial statements
Reports related to Long-form/working capital
Mutually agreed-upon procedures with investment banks
Tax opinion and comments on the prospectus
Obligations and growth strategies
We provide business consulting and advisory services such as:
Corporate governance structure
Consolidated financial reporting methods
IT systems and integration techniques
Internal control on financial reporting process and disclosures
Internal audit and risk management systems
Improvement of financial performance
Effective personnel management